Please note: If you need legal help, please call us or use our online form. We have limited in-person office hours for the public.
Legal Services Vermont
Statewide Helpline: 1-800-889-2047
Office Phone: 1-800-639-8857
Fax: 802-651-4130
274 North Winooski Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
Office open to the public: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Dropbox: Located at the side door at back of building. Looking at our front door, go left and then turn right into the parking lot.
Google Map - LSV in Burlington
Vermont Legal Aid – Burlington
Statewide Helpline: 1-800-889-2047
Office Phone: 802-863-5620
Fax: 802-863-7152
264 North Winooski Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
Office open to the public: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. On Fridays the front office is closed for lunch from 12 - 1 p.m.
Office hours may change.
Dropbox: Located next to the front entrance.
Google Map - VLA in Burlington
Vermont Legal Aid – Montpelier
Statewide Helpline: 1-800-889-2047
Office Phone: 802-223-6377
Fax: 802-223-7281
56 College Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
Office open to the public: Tuesday and Wednesday, 8:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Office hours may change.
Dropbox: Located at the building’s main entrance (not at the Vermont Legal Aid entrance).
Google Map - VLA in Montpelier
Vermont Legal Aid – Rutland
Statewide Helpline: 1-800-889-2047
Office Phone: 802-775-0021
Fax: 802-775-0022
1085 Route 4 East, Suite 1A
Rutland, VT 05701
Office open to the public: Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Office hours may change. It is best to call before coming in to make sure someone will be there to help you. If you can’t come during these hours, call to make an appointment.
Dropbox: Located near the front entrance of the building.
Google Map - VLA in Rutland
Vermont Legal Aid – Springfield
Statewide Helpline: 1-800-889-2047
Office Phone: 802-885-5181
Fax: 802-242-5488
56 Main Street, Suite 301
Springfield, VT 05156
Office open to the public: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Dropbox: Located next to the entrance.
Office hours may change. It is best to call before coming in to make sure someone will be there to help you. If you can’t come during these hours, call to make an appointment.
Google Map - VLA in Springfield
Vermont Legal Aid – St. Johnsbury
Statewide Helpline: 1-800-889-2047
Office Phone: 802-748-8721
Fax: 802-748-4610
177 Western Avenue, Suite 1
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Office open to the public: Only by appointment. Call 802-424-4701 to set up appointment.
Dropbox: Located to the left of the entrance.
Google Map - VLA in St. Johnsbury